This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 3 participants.
What's MetaGov?
MetaGov is a laboratory for self-governance on the internet. They're a nonprofit collective that produces research and standards, and builds communities enabling self-governance in the digital age.
Why should Octant users vote for MetaGov in epoch 3?
Metagov is a 501c3 nonprofit and is almost entirely grant funded. Our work focuses on digital governance broadly, giving us the chance to explore many disciplines as they relate to governance and share ideas and frameworks across different domains. Some domains that we are currently delving into include: deliberative decision making, AI governance, granting and impact measurement, open source transition calculator, DAO science, DAO standards, launching a Metagov journal and the use of art as a medium to explore governance.
Most of our grants are project specific, so getting unrestricted grants gives us the opportunity to seed new activities, expand our projects, or expand our operations.
Your project is interesting because:
14 Research Directors, DAOstar has 80+ member orgs in web3, running a twitter space series on the Future of Public Goods Funding, convene 20+ different grant programs, community of 980+ governance researchers or enthusiasts, weekly governance seminar (over 120 total), and lots of cool research outputs.
Progress in the last 3 months:
- Seeded 1 new grant related research project
- Supported a grant event
- Brought on a community contributor and a operations contributor
- Launched a grant program on deliberative tooling
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