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By Mattias Nystrom
4 min read

Grantee Guide: How to Maximize Visibility During an Octant Round

A guide on how to mobilize and engage your community during an Octant epoch round

Your project’s visibility is crucial for securing funding in an Octant round. It requires more than just applying to Octant, and we want to make sure you’re set up for success. Here’s a quick guide to help you maximize your chances of standing out and getting the support you need.

Mobilizing Your Community

The more people who know about your project, the better. Here’s how you can get your community—and the Octant community—excited and ready to back your project:

Rally Your Existing Community

Let your community know you’re participating in an Octant round. Their early support can make a big difference, so use your communication channels to spread the word. Share updates via newsletters, social media, and forums. Locking GLM is time-weighted in Octant, so the earlier you can rally your own community—and the Octant community—to get interested to vote for your project, the more likely your project is to succeed. You can use some of the ideas included below.

Engage with the Octant Community

Get involved in the Octant Discord server and other community platforms. Introduce your project, join discussions, and be visible. The more the Octant community knows about your project, the more likely they are to support it. Additionally:

  • Rally your base: Let your existing supporters know you’re in the running for funding in the Octant round. Share your participation across your communication channels—newsletters, social media, and forums—and get them excited early. Their support can be the boost your project needs. An example is Epoch Four participant Praise organizing a Mega Space with 10 projects. The more the merrier!
  • Get involved in the Octant community: Don’t miss out on the chance to engage directly with the Octant community. Join the conversation on Discord, introduce your project, and be active. Hosting Twitter Spaces or participating in community calls is a great way to connect with potential supporters. Even small actions, like adding your project name to your Octant Discord nickname, can help get you noticed.

Boost Your Presence on Social Media and Communication Channels

We all know that visibility is key, but how you go about it can make a big difference. Here’s how to make the most of some specific platforms:

  • Twitter (X): Posting daily in the run-up to the Allocation Window (AW) is a good idea. Short-form videos tend to do well with the algorithm, and longer posts can really help explain your project in detail. Don’t forget to tap into trending memes and content—they’re great for catching attention—but also mix in some evergreen posts that stay relevant.
  • Emails: Regular updates keep potential supporters in the loop. Focus on the big stuff—milestones, what’s coming up next, and how they can help. Make every email count by keeping it concise and actionable.
  • Farcaster / Warpcast: If you’re on Farcaster, this is your chance to connect with a Web3 tech-savvy crowd. Share updates, get involved in conversations, and use the community vibe to your advantage. Consistent posting and engagement can really help build strong connections here.

Host Events and Share Updates

Making your project visible means using every opportunity to connect. Host webinars, AMAs, or even casual chats to give your project a personal touch. Use social media to keep everyone updated—share your milestones, achievements, and what’s next. The more you share, the more people will want to get involved.

Keep the Momentum During the Allocation Window

The AW is dynamic, with users able to change their allocation decisions repeatedly. Here’s how to maintain momentum throughout this period:

  • Provide regular updates: Keep your community in the loop with regular updates on your progress. Share any milestones or new developments to keep everyone engaged and excited.
  • Encourage continuous support: Remind your supporters that they can adjust their allocation decisions up until the window closes. No gas costs involved!
  • Be responsive: Stay active on all platforms. Engage with comments, answer questions, and show potential supporters that you’re fully involved.

A Final Thought

Success in an Octant round isn’t just about what you do; it’s about how you connect. Think of this as your chance to tell your story—one that resonates, inspires, and mobilizes. Your community and the Octant community are more than just supporters; it’s better to think of them as partners in this journey. Every interaction, every update, and every event is an opportunity to strengthen those partnerships and build lasting momentum.

So, as you go through the Octant process, remember: visibility is about being seen, but engagement is about being remembered.

This guide is part of our Grantee Toolkit series. Stay tuned for more guides on effectively setting milestones, working on your project roadmap, and measuring your project outcomes.

By Mattias Nystrom
Updated on
guide Grantee Toolkit