Introducing EthStaker
By Mashal Waqar
1 min read

Introducing EthStaker

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants. What's EthStaker? EthStaker is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting solo stakers and the decentralization of the consensus layer. Why should you vote for EthStaker in epoch 2? Staking is the base layer of

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants.

What's EthStaker?
EthStaker is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting solo stakers and the decentralization of the consensus layer.

Why should you vote for EthStaker in epoch 2?

Staking is the base layer of the ecosystem - if staking isn't decentralized, the entire chain loses its most important properties of resilience and decentralization. We're here to support stakers!

Cool metrics:
Base layer decentralization

  • 50k community of stakers
  • 7k monthly visitors

Progress since epoch 1:

Ran the Staking Gathering at Devconnect! Converted to a nonprofit. Started the DVT Home Staker program. Hosted fork livestreams.

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🥩 Vote for EthStaker this epoch

By Mashal Waqar
Updated on
Epoch 2