Introducing Hypercerts Foundation
By Mashal Waqar
1 min read

Introducing Hypercerts Foundation

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants. What's Hypercerts Foundation? The mission of the Hypercerts Foundation is to advance the development and adoption of open-source protocols for funding and rewarding positive impact. Hypercerts are the web3 standard for impact certificates. They

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants.

What's Hypercerts Foundation?

The mission of the Hypercerts Foundation is to advance the development and adoption of open-source protocols for funding and rewarding positive impact.

Hypercerts are the web3 standard for impact certificates. They track financial and non-financial contributions to impactful work, such that these contributions are rewarded. Novel funding mechanisms are being built with hypercerts in multiple impact domains – to incentivise impact and innovation.

Why should you vote for Hypercerts Foundation in epoch 2?

A key feature for hypercerts is the open evaluation system.

We know that the certification mechanisms for carbon credits is flawed, which is why we are building a different, open, decentralised system: Multiple evaluators submit evaluations, improve their methodologies continuously, and get fairly compensated. This system can be integrated into different existing funding platforms like Gitcoin and power new applications like prize competitions. We are excited to use the funds from this epoch to build the best version of this open evaluation system.

Cool metrics:

  • Hypercerts created: 54,000
  • Addresses that have created a Hypercert (unique): 28,000
  • Hypercert owners (unique): 40,000

Progress since epoch 1:

  • Marketplace features developed
  • Security audit for marketplace successful
  • Release on Celo
  • Hyperboard prototype developed
  • ZuConnect pilot: 17 ETH raised via hypercerts

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🌟 Vote for Hypercerts Foundation this epoch

By Mashal Waqar
Updated on
Epoch 2