Introducing Protocol Guild
By Mashal Waqar
1 min read

Introducing Protocol Guild

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants. What's Protocol Guild? The Protocol Guild is a collective of Ethereum contributors, who have a high-impact track record of core protocol research, implementation and stewardship. Why should you vote for Protocol Guild in epoch

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants.

What's Protocol Guild?
The Protocol Guild is a collective of Ethereum contributors, who have a high-impact track record of core protocol research, implementation and stewardship.

Why should you vote for Protocol Guild in epoch 2?

Protocol Guild has enabled a funding mechanism that can be used by Ethereum’s ecosystem to fund its core protocol dependencies, in a way that creates strong incentives for retain Ethereum’s core protocol contributors over the long term.

Protocol Guild reproduces the qualities inherent to the production of a software commons as a funding stream. With it, the ecosystem can share the collective responsibility of funding core protocol stewardship:  

  • Comprehensively curated: a single mechanism surfaces the people actually doing the deep work, affiliated with many different teams  
  • Long-term oriented: vesting distributes funding over time, giving stability to recipients and helping transfer institutional knowledge to new maintainers
  • Equitably distributed: member time-weighting considers retroactive contributions

Next milestones for Protocol Guild:

The next milestone in Ethereum's core protocol development is the Dencun hard fork upgrade, which will enable EIP 4844 (aka proto-danksharding), a critical step in scaling L2s.

More information about Dencun can be found here.

Beyond Dencun, the focus will shift towards narrowing down the scope for the next hard fork upgrade - Prague / Electra.

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⛓️🛡️ Vote for Protocol Guild this epoch

By Mashal Waqar
Updated on
Epoch 2