Introducing The Tor Project
By Mashal Waqar
1 min read

Introducing The Tor Project

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants. What's The Tor Project? Browse Privately. Explore Freely. We’re a nonprofit defending your privacy and freedom online. Why should you vote for The Tor Project in epoch 2? In 2024, 41 countries around

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 2 participants.

What's The Tor Project?
Browse Privately. Explore Freely. We’re a nonprofit defending your privacy and freedom online.

Why should you vote for The Tor Project in epoch 2?

In 2024, 41 countries around the world will hold national-level elections. Increasingly, governments are using internet surveillance, censorship, and shutdowns to disrupt the free access to information around elections. Tools like Tor are going to be absolutely critical for millions of people to access news and information during this year of important elections.

Cool metrics: 2.5 million people are using Tor at any given time / Tor is a powered by a community of thousands of volunteers running relays / Tor is open source and free — for everyone

Progress since epoch 1:

  • We introduced new Tor support materials and video tutorials in Arabic, Chinese, Swahili, and English languages
  • We released Tor Browser 13.0 and Arti 1.1.11
  • We welcomed Amnesty International’s onion site

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🧅 Vote for The Tor Project this epoch

By Mashal Waqar
Updated on
Epoch 2