Epoch 3 Cohort: πŸ₯© EthStaker
By Marta Brewer
1 min read

Epoch 3 Cohort: πŸ₯© EthStaker

EthStaker is a 50,000+ person community made up of stakers and whose mission is to support the decentralization of the Beaconchain

This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 3 participants.

What's EthStaker?

EthStaker is a 50,000+ person community made up of stakers and whose mission is to support the decentralization of the Beaconchain. Supporting decentralization means that, when possible, we encourage users to stake from home and we support and draw attention to projects that make the home and solo staking user experiences easier.

Why should Octant users vote for EthStaker in epoch 3?

Because EthStaker is a nonprofit that supports the most fundamental value of Ethereum - it's decentralization, censorship resistance, and resilience! Without solo and home stakers, Ethereum becomes just another blockchain run by professional operators and capturable by any entity with enough interest.

Your project is interesting because:

It has 50k members, disburses ~$90k in grants every year to projects that help the most decentralized forms of staking, and receives nearly 200k views per month!

Progress in the last 3 months:

  • Nearly finished with the DVT home staker program.
  • Running the staking survey right now!
  • Started a deposit CLI fork. Funded a solo staker smoothing pool audit.
  • Facilitated nearly $150k in donations to the smoothing pool through POAP purchases.

➑️  Follow on X at @ethstaker
➑️ Read the EthStaker update on our forum
πŸ₯© Vote for EthStaker this epoch

By Marta Brewer
Updated on
Epoch 3