Epoch 3 Cohort: π± Gardens
Gardens is a modular coordination mechanism giving organizations in low trust + inefficient environments streamlined access to web3βs best spending strategies.
Gardens is a modular coordination mechanism giving organizations in low trust + inefficient environments streamlined access to web3βs best spending strategies.
Open Source Observer maintains a growing registry of open source software projects contributing to Ethereum and adjacent ecosystems.
EthStaker is a 50,000+ person community made up of stakers and whose mission is to support the decentralization of the Beaconchain
Praise is a community intelligence system that promotes active participation and collaboration through peer recognition and rewards.
Glo Dollar (ticker: USDGLO) is the stablecoin that funds public goods.
This interview is a part of our on-going series, where we highlight our epoch 3 participants. What's Boring Security? Boring Security brings free Web 3 Security Education. We ensure engaging and up-to-date learning experiences and content accessible to all. Why should Octant users vote for Boring Security in
Pairwise was designed to make voting to distribute RetroPGF simple and fun.
ETH Daily is a daily podcast and newsletter that provides a roundup of the latest news about Ethereum.
Donation seasonβs here! How do we choose when there are so many amazing public goods worthy of support? Well, there's a few steps you can take.